Eos New Adult Violet and I.Fairy Moonlite Yellow
Hey everyone! Today's review is again about some new Circlelenses!
The lenses we are going to talk about today come from LensVillage.
My first pair of circle lenses ever were purchased from them!
The shop sponsored me TWO different pairs of circlelenses
One thing that I think is really cool about LensVillages website is that they have "Real Life Photos" for each lens.
I really do love this feature!
The shipping was fast. 1,5 Weeks to europe (Normally packages from Asia need more than 2 weeks)
This is the content of the package!
2 Lens cases and the Circle lenses wrapped in squishy foam to be transported in the package safe!
Little closer look to the lenscases.
Here you can see both pairs of circle lenses in their glass cases with the covers of the brand and some other information on it.
Lets finally unpack them and see how they look!
i.Fairy Moonlite Yellow Lens
EOS New Adult Violet Lens
The colors really look strong and nice here, exactly as I wanted it but lets see how the look on my eyes!
These lenses are a strong yellow. They are darker than they appear in the stock image.
I think they are perfect if you need them for Gold/Yellow eyed Anime Charakter.
The pattern is very simple.It consisist two colors. Dark outer edged followed
by the yellow color and another more simple dark sparkled "ring" on the inner edge,
The lenses are 15mm big,whats very big and i can wear them for almost 6 hours after that they dry my eyes a bit out whats a little pity because I like them so much.
I really like them!The pattern is almost unvisible on my eye that make it look somehow creamy!
It covers up and match just fine with my real eye color!
The pattern is very simple.It consisist two colors. Dark circle on the outer edged
followed by the Violet color that blent out the more it comes to my pupil.
Das ist sehr schön. Blaues harr